Sunday, May 21, 2006 Howto
1. install WSRFdotNet
2. rebuild the solution by VS2005
3. go to ${WSRFdotNet}Scripts\SqlExpress, run "setup.bat" to setup database
4. run NUnit to test the newly installation
trouble shoot
1. can not see WSRF PAT tool bar
rebuild add-in
trick: have to exit from VS2005 and then manually copied the files
from C:\WSRFdotNet\Src\Tools\WSRFServiceAddin\bin\Debug
to C:\WSRFdotNet\Bin
2. WSRF PAT is not invoked
a. Have to remove the Service.asmx.generated.cs file from the project,
b. then modify Service.asmx to remove the prefix, for example
previous: Class="UVa.GCG.Generated.RingService.Service"
after: Class="RingService.Service"
c. make some code change in your service.cs
3. In order to use WSRF.NET,
it seems we can only create website in local IIS instead of local file system
4. create send in container
a. copy the reference.cs from UTest webreference directory
b. change the name space of reference.cs
c. change this.url = to this.url = "" (two places)
d. remember to run upDll.bat
5. xclient
a. changes in mcwsWSRFPortType.wsdl,
-- tns:Object to xsd:anyType
-- remove Object element
-- change name from Object to anyType
b. add soap:address location="http://localhost/mcws"/
in port element in file mcwsService.wsdl
In order to avoid type name conflict, we'd better avoid to use
xxxRequest, xxxResponse class name in WSRF.NET, else
wscompile will get trouble