Wednesday, May 10, 2006
gsoap: from wsdl to .h
echo gsoap client stub
cd stub
rm *
rem use the typemap.dat
rem xsd__anyType = | xsd__anyType
rem mcws = ""
cp ..\typemap.dat .
rem use dom++ for xsd__anyType
cp ..\dom++.h .
wsdl2h -s -c -o gsoap_mcws.h ..\..\wsdl\mcws.wsdl
echo #import "dom++.h" > temp.h
cat gsoap_mcws.h >> temp.h
rem remove the gsoapopt line
sh -c "sed 's_\/\/gsoapopt cw__' < temp.h > mcwsSoap.h"
soapcpp2 -d..\stub mcwsSoap.h
cd ..