XPath pattern
From http://www.w3.org/TR/xslt
section 5
Here are some examples of patterns:
matches anypara
matches any elementchapter|appendix
matches anychapter
element and anyappendix
matches anyitem
element with anolist
matches anypara
element with anappendix
ancestor element/
matches the root nodetext()
matches any text nodeprocessing-instruction()
matches any processing instructionnode()
matches any node other than an attribute node and the root nodeid("W11")
matches the element with unique IDW11
matches anypara
element that is the firstpara
child element of its parent*[position()=1 and self::para]
matches anypara
element that is the first child element of its parentpara[last()=1]
matches anypara
element that is the onlypara
child element of its parentitems/item[position()>1]
matches anyitem
element that has aitems
parent and that is not the firstitem
child of its parentitem[position() mod 2 = 1]
would be true for anyitem
element that is an odd-numbereditem
child of its parent.div[@class="appendix"]//p
matches anyp
element with adiv
ancestor element that has aclass
attribute with valueappendix
matches anyclass
attribute (not any element that has aclass
matches any attribute