Re: Ubuntu font problem
Re: Ugly fonts on UTF-8 encoded Chinese webpages, etc.
I just now solved this problem!
You should (don't have to) install the firefly font. Google it. It's
cleaner and does look better.
Then you need to disable antialiasing.
I had to create a file called .fonts.conf and place it in my home
Here is what the file looks like:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- Disable font alias for Chinese <= 16px -->
<match target="font">
<test qual="any" name="family" compare="eq">
<string>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</string>
<string>AR PL SungtiL Big5</string>
<string>AR PL New Sung</string>
<string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string>
<string>AR PL ZenKai Uni</string>
<string>Kochi Mincho</string>
<string>Baekmuk Dotum</string>
<test name="pixelsize" compare="less_eq">
<edit name="antialias">
<edit name="hinting">
<family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family>
<family>Times New Roman</family>
<family>AR PL New Sung</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
<family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family>
<family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family>
<family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family>
<family>AR PL New Sung</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
<family>AR PL kaitiM Big5</family>
<family>AR PL kaitiM GB</family>
<family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family>
<family>Courier New</family>
<family>AR PL New Sung</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
The fonts are no longer blurry and mismatched. This worked for the whole
system, firefox, everything. Let me know if you have any problems.
On Mon, 04 Aug 2008 16:05:03 -0400, Pu Liu <> wrote:
> in home directory, create a hidden file .fonts.conf
> with the following content
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
> <fontconfig>
> <!-- Disable font alias for Chinese <= 16px -->
> <match target="font">
> <test qual="any" name="family" compare="eq">
> <string>AR PL New Sung</string>
> <string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string>
> <string>AR PL ZenKai Uni</string>
> <string>Ming(ISO10646)</string>
> <string>MingLiu</string>
> <string>PMingLiu</string>
> <string>Kochi Mincho</string>
> <string>Baekmuk Dotum</string>
> </test>
> <test name="pixelsize" compare="less_eq">
> <double>16</double>
> </test>
> <edit name="antialias">
> <bool>false</bool>
> </edit>
> <edit name="hinting">
> <bool>true</bool>
> </edit>
> </match>
> <alias>
> <family>serif</family>
> <prefer>
> <family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family>
> <family>Times New Roman</family>
> <family>Times</family>
> <family>AR PL New Sung</family>
> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
> <family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family>
> <family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family>
> <family>SimSun</family>
> </prefer>
> </alias>
> <alias>
> <family>sans-serif</family>
> <prefer>
> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family>
> <family>Arial</family>
> <family>Verdana</family>
> <family>Helvetica</family>
> <family>AR PL New Sung</family>
> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
> <family>AR PL kaitiM Big5</family>
> <family>AR PL kaitiM GB</family>
> </prefer>
> </alias>
> <alias>
> <family>monospace</family>
> <prefer>
> <family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family>
> <family>Courier New</family>
> <family>Courier</family>
> <family>AR PL New Sung</family>
> <family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
> </prefer>
> </alias>
> </fontconfig>
> On Sun, Aug 3, 2008 at 10:07 AM, yuan <> wrote:
>> a. subpixel rendering:
>> 1. go to a terminal and type:
>> sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config
>> Then select "Autohinter", "Always" and "No" when prompted.
>> 2.
>> Code:
>> sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig
>> 3. restart X and rendering is beautiful!
>> b. System>Prefs>Appearance>Fonts
>> LCD smoothing, then details. Hinting - Slight.
Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
Re: Ubuntu font problem
with the following content
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd">
<!-- Disable font alias for Chinese <= 16px -->
<match target="font">
<test qual="any" name="family" compare="eq">
<string>AR PL New Sung</string>
<string>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</string>
<string>AR PL ZenKai Uni</string>
<string>Kochi Mincho</string>
<string>Baekmuk Dotum</string>
<test name="pixelsize" compare="less_eq">
<edit name="antialias">
<edit name="hinting">
<family>Bitstream Vera Serif</family>
<family>Times New Roman</family>
<family>AR PL New Sung</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
<family>AR PL Mingti2L Big5</family>
<family>AR PL SungtiL GB</family>
<family>Bitstream Vera Sans</family>
<family>AR PL New Sung</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
<family>AR PL kaitiM Big5</family>
<family>AR PL kaitiM GB</family>
<family>Bitstream Vera Sans Mono</family>
<family>Courier New</family>
<family>AR PL New Sung</family>
<family>AR PL ShanHeiSun Uni</family>
a. subpixel rendering:
1. go to a terminal and type:
sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config
Then select "Autohinter", "Always" and "No" when prompted.
sudo dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig
3. restart X and rendering is beautiful!
b. System>Prefs>Appearance>Fonts
LCD smoothing, then details. Hinting - Slight.
Pop (Pu Liu)
ubuntu, locale generation hangs problem, a fix which works
There's a easy workaround.
The /usr/share/locales/install-language-pack script, used in the postinst of the language-packs packages, invokes /usr/sbin/locale-gen.
locale-gen makes some work and finally it executes localedef, that hangs up. Looking the "ps -aux" output, copying the localedef execution order, deleting the option "--no-archive" it works correcty. It's a mistery, the problem is present when the locale information is stored in locale_country.charset directory inside /usr/lib/locale/, for instance, es_ES.utf-8.
This locale-gen shell script uses the /etc/belocs/locale-gen.conf conffile of belocs-locales-bin package, which has the variable ARCHIVE with the "no" value. By changing this value to "yes", the locale information is stored in one unique file /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive. And the most important, then localedef works, does not hangs up. Now we can install, reinstall language-packs and so on.
Greetings and a lot of luck
Pop (Pu Liu)